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Laser Etch On Metal In 5 Steps

Michael Mullins

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Working with laser marking sprays over the last 7 years has brought me to this point where I have finally found the perfect product for all my Co2 Laser metal marking needs. Brilliance Laser Inks 12oz Aerosol can is my go to now. Super affordable and easy to use, and in this video I show you exactly how to use it the right way. So sit back relax and buckle up cause your about to learn the secrets and techniques of laser etching on metals with your Co2 laser using the best of the best spray in the business!


STEP ONE / CLEANING THE SURFACE: When starting the process of laser etching on metal with your CO2 laser regardless if its a Trotec, Glowforge, Epilog, Boss Laser, AP Laser, or any other Co2 Laser machine its crucial that you clean the surface of the metal prior to applying Brilliance Laser Ink spray. This easy cleaning process is best done with a cleaner like technical grade methanol that does not leave any residue or oils or chemicals trace behind. This methanol is great for removing sticky stuff and oils and crud as well. BOSS NOTE: Get yourself some rubber nitrile gloves and a respirator when working with any aerosol sprays

STEP TWO/ APPLYING THE BRILLIANCE LASER INKS SPRAY: It's take a few try's to get it just right, but all you need to put on the surface of the metal is a nice even coat. I can't stress that enough, its more important for the spray to be applied equally on the surface of the metal than it is to spray so much on that you cant see the metal anymore. Shake the can of Brilliance Laser Inks for about 30 second, hold the can approx 6" away from metal and spray on using a back and forth left to right motion., don't hold in one spot or spot spray. Let the product dry for about 5 -10 minutes in good outside sun if its dry out, or place it in your laser bed and turn the fan on for 5-10 min to dry. The product must be completely dry to work properly, and don't touch it after its dry, or you will have to start all over again...seriously don't do it. 😂

BONUS TIP: A cool trick for spraying this product on tumblers is to use a Lazy Susan! Place your tumbler on the Lazy Susan and rotate the Lazy Susan as you spray for a nice even application.. Shh that's one of my trade secrets!

STEP THREE/ LASER SETTINGS FOR LASER ETCHING ON METAL: Brilliance Laser Inks has some great starting setting for 30watts- 100watts lasers on there site, so since they are the creator of the product its a good idea to start there! Not all laser tubes are created equal! Glass CO2 Laser Tube, and Metal CO2 Laser Tubes can vary in beam quality, and therefore results vary, so test, test, test! Here is an info page I created that shows how the spray works and my personal settings as well that I use on my Epilog M2 Fusion 120watt Metal Laser Tube System. When testing you settings and you must test!!! Try and use a small graphic that has a 1/2" X 1/2" square in it along with other element s that vary in detail like the image below. This way you will get a true representation of what the final results will look like. Test, Test, until you nail the perfect setting for each type of metal! Non Ferris metals like aluminum, copper, and brass will need to be run much slower on your settings than steel because they absorb more heat!

Get Some Test Metals Here: Copper Plate:

Aluminum Plate:



Clean up is super easy and kind of relaxing! When your done laser etching your metal with Brilliance Laser Inks it time to head on over to the sink and wash of the spray with ease! The spray that's left behind just washes right off the metal with water, no soap or cleaning agents required! If applying properly, and your settings are dialed in you should be able to scrub away hard at the laser etching location without any of the black laser etching results coming off. If you are able to scrub off any of the laser etching with a soft yellow sponge or equivalent, then your settings for laser etching on metal with your CO2 laser need to be corrected. Its ok! I have been there too! but with practice makes perfect, and when you have it dialed in you will be in Laser Etching Rockstar mode every time!


Now its time to reap your reward for all your hard work, I recommend air drying your freshly laser etched metal rather that wiping down with a cloth, to avoid finger prints and grease marks from your fingers. I like to use the Data Vac Blower in my shop, its more convenient than having a compressor with compressed air making noise in my shop! and it super handy for this purpose! Brilliance Laser Inks Spray produces a extremely rugged permanent black mark on most metals when applied properly, the finished product will be able to withstand all outside elements and last for years to come!

Head on over and get your can today and see for yourself while professional laser engravers everywhere are switching to Brilliance Laser Inks


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